Do you know cold weather can kill you?

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Exposure to cold can cause frostbite or hypothermia and become life-threatening. Infants and elderly people are most susceptible. What constitutes extreme cold varies in different parts of the country. In the southern U. S., near-freezing temperatures are considered extreme cold. Freezing temperatures can cause severe damage to citrus fruit crops and other vegetation. Pipes may freeze and burst in homes that are poorly insulated or without heat. Here in the north, extreme cold means temperatures well below zero. 

Wind Chill is the term used to describe the rate of heat loss on the human body resulting from the combined effect of low temperature and wind. As winds increase, heat is carried away from the body at a faster rate, driving down both the skin temperature and eventually the internal body temperature. Animals are also affected by wind chill; however, cars, plants,d other objects are not.

Use the wind chill chart below to check wind chill based on the wind and temperature.  The shaded areas show how long it will take for exposed skin to some frostbite. The bottom chart will give you frostbite times based on the speed and temperature.  You can click on either chart for a larger view.

Frostbite is damage to body tissue caused by extreme cold. A wind chill of -20° Fahrenheit (F) will cause frostbite in just 30 minutes. Frostbite causes a loss of feeling and a white or pale appearance in extremities, such as fingers, toes, ear lobes, or the,e tip of the nose. If symptoms are detected, get medical help immediately! If you must wait for help, slowly rewarm affected areas. However, if the person is also showing signs of hypothermia, warm the body core before the extremities.

Hypothermia is a condition brought on when the body temperature drops to less than 95°F. It can kill. For those who survive, there are likely to be lasting kidney, liver, and p, and pancreas problems. Warning signs include uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and a pparent exhaustion. Take the person’s temperature. If below 95°F, seek medical care immediately!

If medical care is not available, warm the person slowly, starting with the body body’s Warming the arms and legs first drives cold blood toward the heart and can lead to heart failure. If necessary, use your body heat to help. Get the person into dry clothing and wrap them in a warm arm blanket covering the head and neck. Do not give the person alcohol, drugs, coffee, or any hot beverage or food. Warm be warm is the first food to offer. Click this link for more information:

Dress For The Cold:
Wear layers of loose-fitting and lightweight clothing. Trapped air between the layers will insulate you.

  • If doing strenuous outdoor activities, avoid wearing cotton.  Once wet, cotton takes a long time to dry
    and will sap your heat. Use synthetic fabrics that wick moisture from your skin and dry quickly.
  • Outer garments should be tightly woven, watwater-repellentnd hooded.
  • Wear a hat, because 40%of your body heat can be lost from your head.
  • Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from extreme cold.
  • Mittens, snug at the wrist, are better than gloves.
  • Try to stay dry and out of the wind.

When Traveling:
Always prepare for the worst! 

  • Your vehicle’s winter survival kit should include warm clothes, boots, blankets,  extra batteries, candy bars, or cereal bars.  Here is a good list from ReadyWisconsin.
  • Always carry a charged cell phone and tell others of your travel plans.

Winter woes you need to know

There are a handful of reasons to love winter: skiing and snowboarding, hot tea, the holiday season, and a light sprinkling of snow are just a fact there are also plenty of not-so-great things about the winter—and some might even put you in harm’s way. InColdeather causes 17 times as many deaths as hot weather, according to a 2015 study of 13 countries, leading to hypothermia, frostnip and frostbite, heart and breathing risks, and ice-related risks of falling, among other dangers. Here’s how to stay safe.

Shovel right to protect your heart

People with underlying heart or circulatory disease are at increased risk of trouble when the temperature takes a dip because cold weather can put more stress on your ticker. “Your body is smart, and when it senses cold it protects your core by decreasing blood flow to your extremities,” says Dan Weinstein, MD, Medical Director of the University of Vermont Medical Center Urgent Care and Assistant Professor at the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine. This process, called peripheral vasoconstriction, may increase your blood pressure and the work that your heart needs to do to pump blood. “If you add physical exertion such as shoveling into the mix that can cause additional work for the heart.” Here’s what cardiologists want you to know about shoveling snow.

Use the three-feet rule to heat your home

When the mercury drops below even 50 degrees, the space heaters come out of deep storage. And sometimes, they get a little too hot, sparking devastating home fires. Fixed and portable space heaters are involved in 74 percent of fire-related deaths, according to the American Red Cross. When using a space heater, make sure to place it on a hard, level surface, and keep anything flammable, such as paper, clothing, bedding, rugs, or curtains, at least three feet away, according to guidelines from the American Red Cross. Always turn the heater off before leaving the room or going to bed. And never use a stove or oven to heat the home because of the risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning, the Red Cross warns. Candles are a fire hazard too. If you’re a fan of candlelight in the dark winter months, consider using new Lucid liquid paraffin candles that will self-extinguish when they tip, instead of spreading their flame.

Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning

Trying to keep warm in a closed-up house could lead to risky practices. “Keep grills, camp stoves, and generators out of the house, basement, and garage,” warns the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Generators should be placed at least 20 feet from the house. If the CO detector (which should get fresh batteries twice a year) does go off, leave the house immediately and call 911. In addition, never run a vehicle inside an attached garage, says the National Safety Council.

Don’t let ice trip you up

Ice, especially when it forms with cycles of thawing followed by cold, frequently causes unexpected falls, Dr. Weinstein says. “Often the ice is particularly difficult to see because it’s covered in snow, or it’s a type of very clear ice that is difficult to tell is coating a surface, known as ‘black ice’ in Vermont.” In addition, anyone having trouble with balance, such as the elderly or those with certain neurologic conditions, should take extra precautions. Weinstein advises using footwear with good, textured soles (even adding gear to your boots and shoes to increase traction), and when walking, keeping your center of gravity over your feet. At home, consider sprinkling a non-salt ice-melting product such as Safe Paw Ice Melter, which is safe for animals and children, on your porch and walkway. For driveways, sidewalks, and steps, try Traction Magic, an environmentally safe way to prevent slips and falls—and even keep tires from slipping, preventing car accidents. (Here’s exactly what you should do if someone collapses.)

Winter roads can create dangerous driving conditions, but the motorist group AAA says there are a number of ways to increase your chance of safe travels. For starters, be prepared by cheseveraleather before leaving the house, keeping your gas tank at least half full at all times, and making sure basic maintenance is up to date—for example, keeping tires properly inflated. If you find yourself driving in precarious conditions, AAA says a few rules can help prevent accidents, like avoiding cruise control on slippery surfaces, accelerating and decelerating slowly, and increasing your following distance to 8 to 10 seconds, so if the car in front of you swerves, skids or crashes, you have enough time to adjust your course to steer clear of it.

Protect the vulnerable

Tiny tots and senior citizens could be at greater risk when exposed to temperature extremes. “The very young have increased surface area compared to their overall volume and this can lead to increased heat loss,” says Dr. Weinstein. “Elderly people often have decreased reserves to adapt to the cold. They tend to have less of a fat layer below the skin to help stay warm.” In addition, those with certain autoimmune conditions, such as Raynaud’s, may be at increased risk of cold-related problems. “For some people with asthma, cold weather may trigger symptoms,” Dr. Weinstein adds. “If you have cold-induced asthma, be sure to bring your rescue inhaler. Breathing through a bandana or scarf may help with prevention.” (Here are 50 ways to avoid catching a cold this season.)

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Fight frostbite

A white or graygrayishlow area of skin, numbness, or skin that feels weight ally firm or waxy are all signs of frostbite, which you may not be able to detect yourself because the frozen tissues have lost sensation, says the CDC. While you should ideally seek medical care immediately if you can’t, get into a warm room, avoid walking on or rubbing frostbitten areas of the body (which can increase damage), immerse the affected area in water that is warm but not hot, and don’t attempt to warm the body with other heating devices such as a radiator because the numb tissue could easily burn. These steps, however, are not substitutes for medical attention, which should be sought as soon as possible. Learn more about the first aid moves that could save fingers and toes from frostbite. To help prevent your digits from getting so cold in the first place, consider carrying portable hand warmers, like HotHands Hand Warmers by Uline, when you know you’ll be outdoors for an hour or more.

Pritish Kumar Halder describes most frequently points that explain how cold weather kills you.

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